“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Consular Service and Visa

Consular legalization consists of determining and confirming the authenticity of signatures on documents and acts and the compliance of these documents and acts with the laws of the country where the Embassy is located.

Legalization confirms the legal force of documents and acts in the international world.

In accordance with Article 54 of the Consular Regulations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the consular service of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan is entrusted with the functions of legalization of documents and acts.

Functions on consular legalization:
1) in foreign countries - consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
2) In the Republic of Azerbaijan - it is carried out by the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Documents and acts belonging to the administrations, organizations, individuals and legal entities of a foreign state, unless other circumstances are provided for in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan or in international agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the state to which the administrations and organizations that draw up these documents are participating, only after consular legalization by the administration and accepted for consideration by organizations.

According to the international agreements on legal assistance to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, documents and acts of the administrations and organizations of foreign states that are members of these agreements are accepted for review in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan without legalization.

Acts and documents that contradict the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan or harm the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan or the honor and dignity of the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan due to their content are not legalized.

Originals and copies of the following documents are not legalized:

Identity cards of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, party affiliation documents, trade union tickets, labor records, military tickets, character certificates, conviction documents.

The consul legalizes documents drawn up with the participation of the authorities of the consular district or received from these authorities.

The consul must have samples of signatures and seals of persons authorized to legalize documents and acts of the administrations and organizations of the state where the consulate is located.

If there is any doubt regarding the compliance of the documents submitted for legalization with the laws of the country in which the consulate is located, the consul shall formally apply to the local authorities or legal consultancy for clarification.

If documents and acts drawn up in the Republic of Azerbaijan, but not legalized according to the procedure for requesting documents through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, enter the consulate and legalization of these documents and acts is required according to the laws of the receiving state, the consul legalizes them and gives them to interested persons, departments and organizations.

When the consulate receives documents and acts from individual citizens, departments and organizations drawn up in the Republic of Azerbaijan, but not legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the consul must send them to the Republic of Azerbaijan to determine the authenticity of these documents. If a positive answer is received, the consul legalizes such documents in a general manner.

Legalization of documents

For citizens of Azerbaijan

The document to be submitted to the Embassy for legalization must be translated into English or Spanish by an authorized translator. The applicant should be advised that the documents should also:

- To be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Documents and translations should be printed.

For foreign citizens

The document to be submitted to the Embassy for legalization must be translated into Azerbaijani or English by an authorized translator.

- To be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country to which the foreign citizen belongs;
- Documents and translations should be printed.

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