“Müstəqilliyimiz əbədidir, daimidir, dönməzdir”
Bilateral relations
Azerbaijan and Chile
Azerbaijan and Chile
Bilateral relations(Azerbaijan - Chile)

Azərbaycan ilə Çili arasında diplomatik münasibətlər 1994-cü il 3 noyabr tarixində yaradılmışdır.




2002, July 25-28 – a delegation consisting of the President of the National Congress of Chile, Special Representative Sergio Bitar, Permanent Representative to the UN Gustavo Valdes, M. Donos, an official of the Middle East and Africa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, visited Azerbaijan. During the visit, the delegation held meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Department of Foreign Relations of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2003, June 8-10 – Hafiz Pashayev, the Permanent Observer of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Organization of American States, visited the city of Santiago to participate in the 33rd meeting of the General Secretariat of that organization.

2005, April 28-30 – Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov visited Chile to participate in the "Union of Democracies" event. During the visit, he met his Chilean colleague Ignacio Walker.


2011, September 23-28 – Chairman of the Defense Committee in the Senate of Chile, Baldo Prokurica, visited Baku to participate in the event related to the 20th anniversary of the Restoration of Azerbaijan's State Independence.

2011, October 20-21 – Ambassador Mammad Ahmadzade visited Chile and presented his credentials to the President of the Republic of Chile, Sebastian Pinera Echenig. During the visit, James Sinclair, Head of the Protocol Office of the MFA, Rodrigo Vidal, Secretary General for Bilateral Relations, Oscar Alcaman, Director General for Multilateral and Global Affairs, Pablo Cabrera, Rector of the Diplomatic Academy, Patricio Melero, President of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Del Campo, Deputy Minister of Energy, Teodoro Neumann, Minister of Justice, attended the visit. and Andres Rodríguez, president of the Chilean Industrial Federation, held meetings.



2012, March 12-13 – Ambassador Mammad Ahmadzade visited Chile. During the visit, Minister of Foreign Affairs Alfredo Moreno Charme, leadership of the Chilean Senate and Chamber of Deputies, Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Multilateral and Global Affairs, Department of Protocol, Chilean trade promotion and investment organization - ProChile, Ministry of Culture and Arts, Chilean State Company - ENAP and etc. meetings were held with the management of other state and government institutions.

2012, August 9 - Yashar Aliyev, Representative of the Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Special Tasks, visited Chile. During the visit, meetings were held with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile Fernando Schmidt, General Director for Multilateral Affairs Adolfo Garafi and General Director for Bilateral Affairs Rodrigo Gaete.

2012, August – A Friendship Group with Azerbaijan was established in the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of Chile. The head of the group was Enrique Accorsy.

2012, September 26-29 - Pablo Cabrera, rector of Chile's "Andres Bello" Diplomatic Academy, visited Azerbaijan to participate in the 40th Meeting of Deans and Directors of the Diplomatic Academy. During the visit, meetings were held with Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs Khalaf Khalafov and Hafiz Pashayev.

2012, October 1-2 – Friendship Group with Chile was established in the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan. The head of the group was Mukhtar Babayev.

2012, October 4-5 – Members of the Azerbaijan Friendship Group of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of Chile visited Azerbaijan to participate in the II Baku International Humanitarian Forum. During the visit, the guests were received by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and met with the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov and the Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov, as well as members of the Friendship Group with Chile in the Parliament of Azerbaijan.

2012, October 29-31 – Ambassador M. Ahmadzade visited the Republic of Chile. Within the framework of the visit, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile Fernando Schmidt, Director General for Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile Alfonso Silva and Deputy Director General for Bilateral Relations Rodrigo Gaete, Rector of the Diplomatic Academy Pablo Cabrera, Head of the General Department of Protocol James Sinclair, Energy and Mining Industry minister Jorge Bunster, deputy Enrique Accorsi, head of the friendship group with Azerbaijan in the Chamber of Deputies of Chile, Ivan Moreira, member of the friendship group and vice-chairman of the ruling "Independent Democratic Union" party, Nicolas Monckeberg, president of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of Chile, and chairman of the permanent commission for foreign relations Jorge Tarud, president of the Senate Meetings were held with Camilo Escalona, ​​Chairman of the Senate's Permanent Commission on Foreign Relations, Pablo Letelier.

2012, November 30 – Jorge Arancibia, newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Chile to Azerbaijan, presented his credentials to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev.


2013, October 25 - The President of the Republic of Chile, Mr. Sebastian Echenique Pinera, congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, on the occasion of his confident victory in the presidential elections.

2013, November 29- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile regarding the establishment of a diplomatic representation of Azerbaijan in Chile with headquarters in Santiago.

2013, December 19 - The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev congratulated Mrs. Michelle Bachelet on the occasion of her election as the President of the Republic of Chile.



2014, March 10-11- Ali Abbasov, the Minister of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, visited Chile on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan to participate in the ceremonies related to the transfer of presidential powers from Sebastian Pinera Echenique to the newly elected president Mrs. Michelle Bachelet in the Republic of Chile. During the visit, Ali Abbasov conveyed the greetings of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev to both the former and the newly elected president.

In November 2014, the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established in the city of Santiago.


2015, March 12-13 - the parliamentary delegation led by MP Mukhtar Babayev, chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Working Group with Chile in the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, visited the Republic of Chile. MPs Asim Mollazade and Aslan Jafarov were included in the delegation.During the visit, the Azerbaijani delegation included the Chairman of the Chilean Senate, Patricio Valker Prieto, the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Aldo Cornejo Gonzalez, inter-parliamentary friendship groups with Azerbaijan operating in both chambers of the National Congress of Chile, as well as the Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism of Chile, Luis Felipe Cespedes, the Minister of Energy, Maximo Pacheco, foreign held meetings with Deputy Minister of Works Gustavo Ayares Ossandon, as well as CEO of Chile's state energy company Marcelo Tokman Ramos. During the visit, at the same time, a presentation on "Azerbaijan's development strategy" was held at the Andres Bello Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile.



On May 31, at the Senate of the National Congress of Chile, at the initiative of Ivan Moreira Borros, the head of the Chile-Azerbaijan Friendship Group, and the members of the friendship group, a resolution was adopted welcoming the 98th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the last 26 years of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and recognizing the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In the resolution, it was also mentioned that the activities carried out by the international community based on the recognition and effective implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 in the direction of resolving the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict are supported.

On June 8, the Chamber of Deputies of the Chilean National Congress adopted a resolution congratulating the 98th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the last 26th anniversary of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, recognizing the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In the resolution, it was also noted that the activities of the international community on the basis of the recognition and effective implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 in the direction of the resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict are supported.

On September 27-30, a delegation consisting of Senator Ivan Moreira Barros, head of the Friendship Group with Azerbaijan in the Senate of the National Congress of Chile, and member of the Friendship Group, chairman of the foreign relations committee in the Senate, Senator Jorge Pisarro Soto, participated in the 5th International Humanitarian Forum held in Baku and Chile-Azerbaijan visited Azerbaijan in order to hold a number of official meetings in order to strengthen inter-parliamentary relations.

Within the framework of the visit, the delegation was received by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, as well as meetings were held with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Elmar Mammadyarov, and the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mrs. Bahar Muradova.


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